Enhanced search for e-commerce

E-commerce stores have more products in their catalogue than ever before. Site search is so important as it can help anyone find exactly what they need in just a few clicks. However, visitors get frustrated easily if the site’s search is not functional or personalized enough. This can end up in lost visitors and sales for the store.


Most e-commerce sites still use basic search solutions that don’t take advantage of the latest innovations in machine learning. Relying on unoptimized search makes it hard for visitors to find what they are looking for and can result in up to 30% of the site's revenue to be lost.


An auto-complete search functionality that utilizes machine learning algorithms. Integrating this with the e-commerce store can help to convert more searches into sales. The solution includes proprietary product search ranking that intuitively predicts visitors’ search expectations, even with mistyped or related keywords.

End result

  • Increased ecommerce conversion rates from visitors who use site search
  • Enhanced customer satisfaction by helping visitors find things faster
  • A personalized and intuitive shopping experience for site visitors
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